July 18, 2024 by Travis Jonker
There are a lot of good-looking things coming.
May 4, 2022 by Travis Jonker
THE BAD GUYS creator Aaron Blabey talks with comedian Marc Maron.
November 4, 2020 by Travis Jonker
Maurice Sendak's stories might be coming to Apple TV+
September 8, 2016 by Travis Jonker
September 8 is Jon Scieszka’s birthday. Next week is Roald Dahl’s. I like author and illustrator birthdays, and it’s fun to share them with kids too. One of the best places to find them is over at Through the Looking Glass. Click here for their big ol’ list, sorted by month.
January 8, 2016 by Travis Jonker
It’s time. Time to haul out one of my favorite images that I use on this blog. *hauling* *EXPLOSION SOUND* I would not be doing my civic school librarian duty if I did not share that you can watch the American Library Association’s 2016 Youth Media Awards (you know, the show with all the wonderful […]
October 20, 2014 by Travis Jonker
The latest outrage in the book world comes from Kathleen Hale and her article for The Guardian ‘Am I being catfished?” An author confronts her number one critic. Aside from making the author look terrible, it brings up all kinds of questions about the current state of online book reviewing. (Warning: the article contains occasional […]
October 1, 2014 by Travis Jonker
Nominations for the 2014 Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary Awards (CYBILS) are now open! Did you like a book this year? Click here to visit the Cybils site and nominate it.
August 30, 2014 by Travis Jonker
The new school year is upon us, and The Horn Book took a moment to highlight the cutest, weirdest, most dysfunctional and more of recent children’s lit. It’s the 2013-14 Yearbook Superlatives. Click the image below to read.
July 23, 2014 by Travis Jonker
Amazon is now offering Kindle Unlimited, an all-you-can-read e-book service that will cost 9.99 per month. Kindle Unlimited is stirring up all sorts of reactions online: Huffington Post says what I was thinking: this is sort of a glorified library card On the flip side, Tom Worstall thinks the UK should ditch libraries and give everyone a Kindle […]
July 12, 2014 by Travis Jonker
Travis here with a quick public service announcement for those who love children’s literature: In the lead-up to the release of their book Wild Things! Acts of Mischief in Children’s Literature, authors Betsy Bird (A Fuse #8 Production) and Julie Danielson (Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast) are posting some of the true stories that weren’t included […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Heavy Medal
by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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