Teen Librarian Toolbox
December 13, 2011 by Travis Jonker
Time is running out to get gifts for the insufferable librarian in your life. With help from Etsy, the 2011 edition of the Librarian Lump of Coal Gift Guide has your back. Click here for the 2010 Guide Click here for the 2009 Guide (Click the images below to buy) For the librarian who…might like […]
October 30, 2011 by Travis Jonker
If you’re a school librarian, you’re gonna want to check out School Libraries: What’s Now, What’s Next, What’s Yet to Come. The brainchild of Buffy Hamilton and Kristin Fontichiaro, this free, downloadable e-book is a crowdsourced collection of essays from folks in the library field. When I downloaded it I had to check my outfit […]
June 7, 2011 by Travis Jonker
Usually I keep a strict children’s lit focus in these pages, but you know the old saying “write what you know about outdated technology”. My school libraries are doing a technology deep clean this summer and we’re deciding what stays and what goes. Take the quiz below to test your knowledge of some school library […]
May 24, 2011 by Travis Jonker
I work in four elementary school libraries and we are undergoing summer renovations at two of them. The good? Next year we will arrive to new carpet, paint, and lighting. I can’t wait. The not-quite-as-good? We need to get out of the way before the school year ends and the buildings are turned into construction […]
October 29, 2010 by Travis Jonker
What you are about to see is real. These are the books that actual, honest-to-goodness children are putting on hold at the school libraries where I work. The photo below (of books on hold at my 3rd and 4th grade school) has not been altered in any way. Wait, let’s make this easier on ourselves: […]
December 2, 2007 by Travis Jonker
Imagine if everyone’s workplace exterior represented what was going on inside. I know that the people at Longaberger would approve. In my web travelings I recently stumbled upon the following images. This one is of the exterior of the Cardiff, UK library: This next one is of the library in Kansas City, MO: More information […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
Good Comics for Kids
by Renee Scott
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