The New York Public Library has posted a list of 100 picture books everyone should know. Good reading for teachers, librarians, and, apparently, everyone else as well.
No Talking by Andrew Clements Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers ISBN 9781416909835 $15.99 Grades 3-6 In stores *Best New Books* Working in a public school, I am around children every day. Here are two facts that I feel I can state from experience: 1. Kids like to talk 2. There is nothing that […]
What Do Wheels Do All Day? by April Jones Prince Illustrated by Giles Laroche Houghton Mifflin Company ISBN 9780618563074 $16.00 Grades K-3 In stores In my job as a school librarian, I am occasionally faced with inquiries about what it is I do. When I began my professional life in aught 5 I was unaware […]
Is aught 7 already coming to a close? Well it must be based on all the kidlit year-end gun jumping going on out there. The A-OK folks at Publishers Weekly just put out there year end list, and I have to say that I approve of both their list- and decision- making skills.
(Ringing a giant bell) Here ye, here ye, all lovers of kidlit adapted for the silver screen: The City of Ember, the wonderful sci-fi/dystopia book by Jeanne Duprau is quietly being turned into a film. Now I am not what you would call a lover of most children’s books turned flicks. In fact, I have […]
Sardine in Outer Space by Emmanuel Guibert Illustrated by Joann Sfar First Second (an imprint of Roaring Brook Press) ISBN 9781596431263 $12.95 Ages 7-12 In stores As many librarians will tell you, “give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Give a child an age-appropriate graphic novel and it will circulate […]
It all began with a little email that went like this: Movie Warning THE GOLDEN COMPASS, a new movie targeted at children, will be released December 7, 2007. This movie is based on a the first book of a trilogy by atheist Philip Pullman. In the final book a boy and girl kill God so […]
Great Estimations by Bruce Goldstone Henry Holt and Company $16.95 ISBN 978-0-8050-74446-8 Ages 7-12 In Stores A couple weeks back we held the annual book fair at two of the elementary schools I work at. One of the ways the book fair organizers hyped the kids into a froth was through a little game called […]
The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies Houghton Mifflin Company $16.00 ISBN 978-0-618-75043-6 Ages 8-11 In Stores Jessie Treski knows two things that I don’t: her multiplication tables up to 14 times 14, and how to run a successful lemonade stand. Jessie is so smart, in fact, that when summer vacation is over and school begins […]
How can you not love an author visit? You get to hear all the behind the scenes tidbits about how books are created, all while indulging in the intoxicating atmosphere that a brush with minor celebrity provides. Last week, my school was visited by PaleoJoe, author of the Dinosaur Detective Club series from the good […]
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