The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More by Roald Dahl Puffin Books ISBN 9780141304700 $6.99 Grades 4-7 In Stores As the title suggests, this book is a collection of seven short stories written by one of the all time greats: Roald Dahl. Let us start with the big one, the monster, the “man […]
Ahh, here’s something new. In the latest Children’s Bookshelf e-newsletter from Publishers Weekly, I came across an article for a new children’s book website called Lookybook – very intriguing. The site makes it “possible to view entire books, from cover to back“. The site also incorporates some social networking-type stuff: books can be rated, added […]
I enjoy socks, especially when they’re warm. It appears that I’m not alone. When I recently saw the cover for the Vintage Classic version of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland over at Becky’s Book Reviews, I couldn’t help but notice a similarity to a recently published (an well received) title. You be the judge. Here’s the […]
The Puzzling World of Winston Breen by Eric Berlin G. P. Putnam’s Sons ISBN 9780399246937 $16.99 Grades 4-7 In Stores *Best New Books* I have a problem. I’ve been trying to break this nasty habit, but when books like “The Puzzling World of Winston Breen” come along, they make it that much harder to put […]
Happy Birthday, Monster! by Scott Beck Abrams Books for Young Readers ISBN 9780810993631 $14.95 Grades K-2 In Stores *Best New Books* My first inclination when I like a new book is to share it with others, town crier style (complete with bell and dressy tri-fold hat): Hey! Everyone! I enjoyed this book! I start looking […]
School Library Journal, that venerable source of all things school/library related, just released its Best Books of aught 7 list. Go ahead and take a peek.
Amazon tosses their cap into the getting-more-crowded-by-the-minute ring of year end lists. Read all about it over at Becky’s Book Reviews.
Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners by Laurie Keller Henry Holt and Company ISBN 9780805079968 $16.95 Grades 1-3 In Stores (Reviewer pulls out clipboard and pencil) Alright everyone! Looks like we’ve got ourselves the new Laurie Keller book here. I’m just going to go down the list for a second to make sure everything […]
I have an announcement to make: librarians love lists. The Public Library of Westland (MI) recently posted a list of 100 Books Every Child Should Hear Before Starting School. While the title is a mouthful, the list is packed with exceptional titles.
The New York Public Library has posted a list of 100 picture books everyone should know. Good reading for teachers, librarians, and, apparently, everyone else as well.
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