A first look at the cover for SOME OF THESE ARE SNAILS, and a chat with Carter Higgins
A first look at the cover!
Come with me, way back to 2018. Such a simpler time (ha). I open up my Publishers Weekly Rights Report and what do I see? This: John Schu and Lauren Castillo – two of my favorite people in children’s literature – teaming up for a picture book: This Is a Story. Now, let’s return to […]
A first look at the cover (and interior art) for THE BLUR by Minh Lê and Dan Santat.
A first look at the cover of THIS IS A SCHOOL, by John Schumacher and Veronica Miller Jamison
A first look at the cover of AMOS MCGEE MISSES THE BUS by Philip and Erin Stead.
A cover reveal (and Q&A) for Varian Johnson's next book, PLAYING THE CARDS YOU'RE DEALT.
I chat with the creators of The Survivor Tree and share the cover.
A first look at the cover for THERE IS A RAINBOW by Theresa Trinder and Grant Snider.
I chat with Susan Kusel and Sean Rubin about their upcoming picture book THE PASSOVER GUEST
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