I may have recently made a bit of a subtle jab at the outbreak of children’s lit-related television and movie adaptations of the past few months, but I’m better now. Better enough to bring you the most recent trailer for The Tale of Despereaux: [youtube=] The CGI looks pretty good, but will the film live […]
Night of the Veggie Monster By George McClements Bloomsbury Publishing ISBN: 9781599900612 $14.95 Grades K-2 In Stores *Recommended* I can relate to kids who don’t like their vegetables. I’ve been slow in coming around myself. As a kid, I was known to pull the old switcharoo and hide the veggies in the nearest napkin. “Night […]
This one was difficult to include in the ongoing Unfortunate Covers series (click here for #1 and #2), but unfortunate it seems to be – at least in the eyes of some of the students I work with. “Bridge to Terabithia” is an outstanding story, a Newbery winner, and it made me cry like “Beaches” […]
Have you been looking for a way to work on your Jamaican patois? Not sure why you’re on a site devoted to children’s lit, but you are in luck nonetheless. In a strange bit of disparate worlds colliding, I came across the following instructional video for teaching the Jamaican accent through Dr. Seuss’s ABC: [youtube=]
Librarians and NPR go together like cardigans and nippy reading rooms. I guess I haven’t checked the fine print on my degree lately, but there actually may be a contractual obligation for bookish types to support National Public Radio. Part of my love for the station stems from the fact that they occasionally like to […]
One Million Things: A Visual Encyclopedia By DK Publishing ISBN: 9780756638436 $24.99 Grades 3 and Up In Stores *Best New Books* Check out the Nonfiction Monday roundup at Picture Book of the Day. When you’re a kid, the bigger the better. Machines, buildings, ice cream cones, it’s all better with an increase in dimensions. The […]
Yes indeed, the June edition of The Edge of the Forest is up. The online children’s lit journal is a veritable classy buffet of kid’s book knowledge. There are also a couple 100 Scope Notes reviews in the Graphic Novel and Picture Book sections if you’re interested. Click the image below to take a closer […]
100 Scope Notes will be on break until this weekend due to summertime travels. See you back here soon!
Looks like John McCain’s daughter has gone and written a children’s book based on her father’s life. From the press release: New York, NY June 11, 2008—Meghan McCain, daughter of Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain, has signed with Aladdin Books, an imprint with Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing, to write a children’s book about […]
In what may be the slightest blog post ever, I bring you a hot off the presses photo from the up coming (and reshooting) “Where the Wild Things Are” film: A possible poster image? Click here to see the photo in its natural habitat. (Thanks to MTV for the link)
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