When two covers resemble each other, it’s usually one of two situations. A. Something fishy is afoot. All the hands holding stuff after Twilight? That’s aping something that’s popular. B. It appears to be a case of random chance. Today I’ll have the B. Cover number one: Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson, illustrated by E. […]
Is it just me, or have you noticed some picture book titles getting real these days? Really real. Taking up the whole cover real. Not just type laid over top, but part of the illustration real. Today we have three books that put the title front, center, and right in the middle of the the […]
Usually during these Cover Curiosity posts I highlight two unrelated books that (for a variety of reasons) have similar covers. Today I have to make an exception and talk about two related books, mostly because one of them has one of the most recognizable covers of all time, and the other is bound to be […]
Sometimes, in an odd aligning of stars, two book covers end up kinda resembling one another. Click here for all the Cover Curiosity posts. I noticed a pair the other day. First up: Under the Ocean by Anouck Boisrobert; illustrated by Louis Rigaud Second up: The Bear’s Sea Escape by Benjamin Chaud Side by side: A […]
Every now and then the universe does my job for me. Sometimes, by chance (or perhaps not), two books that resemble each other end up next to each other on bookshelves. Thanks for looking out, universe. Below are three such cases I encountered in the last few months: Rabbityness by Jo Empson Peek-A-Boo Bunny by […]
Some Cover Curiosities seem eye-rubbingly separated at birth, while others appear to simply share a similar idea. Today, I’d say we have an example of the latter. Click here for more Cover Curiosities. I love most when two covers from different worlds collide. Today we have a middle grade novel and a picture book. Our […]
Look, I don’t discriminate on my Cover Curiosities – picture book, middle grade, YA – when two books happen to resemble each other, I will be there. Today we foray into the YA world with two new books that share a bold bar/grid motif. Juvie by Steve Watkins More Than This by Patrick Ness Side […]
Sometimes with Cover Curiosities we have two jackets that look very similar. Other times it’s more of a general trend. Today is the latter. Look out socks, relaxing on the lawn is gaining steam. Take a look at the recent evidence collected: The Center of Everything by Linda Urban After Eli by Rebecca Rupp Criss […]
Now, please don’t be alarmed when you see this goofy-looking guy on your September issue of School Library Journal: How did we get here? I wrote a series of posts about the e-reader lending program we started at my 5th and 6th grade school last year. It was a small start, but things went pretty […]
Is that a cover trend I see? I can’t quite tell – it’s so bright. Let’s take a look at three examples. Ask the Passengers by A.S. King Peace, Locomotion by Jacquiline Woodson The Revolution of Evelyn Serrano by Sonia Manzano I feel like there are more examples of this out there – any to […]
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