Hervé Tullet: The Illustrated Interview
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About Travis Jonker
Travis Jonker is an elementary school librarian in Michigan. He writes reviews (and the occasional article or two) for School Library Journal and is a member of the 2014 Caldecott committee. You can email Travis at scopenotes@gmail.com, or follow him on Twitter: @100scopenotes.
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Rebecca Zarazan Dunn says
This interview, like all of Herve Tullet’s books, left me with a big smile on my face. I loved reading this interview, Travis!! Looking forward to reading the latest from Mr. Tullet!
Travis Jonker says
Thanks, Rebecca – I had a great time playing pen pals with Mr. Tullet!
Ed Spicer says
Loved it (including the video)!
Travis Jonker says
Thanks, Ed – I love that video too
Aaron Zenz says
Holy Sweet!
Lisa Jenn says
Cute and clever. What a great idea, and I love his answers to your questions.
Travis Jonker says
It was cool that Mr. Tullet was willing to give the format a shot
Vicki Kouchnerkavich says
Read “Press Here” a few weeks ago at Baker to the Kindergarteners-they were amazed by this book & so were several of the teachers. Heard several “read it again’s”. Is it in the collection in the media center?
Travis Jonker says
Hi Vicki – it is!
Tasha says
Brilliant way to interview Tullet! I want to print out his answer to what creativity is and hang it all over the place.
Jane Breen says
This is fantastic! I will be talking about this tonight in our Prime Time PJ Story Time. My creative energy is just jumping around right now. Thanks! ~ jane
Sondy says
Totally cool, Travis! I had no idea you could draw so well. 🙂 Perfect format for interviewing him!
Travis Jonker says
Thanks, Sondy!
Pragmaticmom says
LOVE this!!!
Melissa @Book Nut says
The. best. interview. ever.
Ruth McNally Barshaw says
Wow, wow, wow. That was one of the most useful and entertaining interviews I have ever read. Thank you, thank you!!! I hope this format catches on!
Travis Jonker says
Thanks, Ruth! I’d love to try this format with other illustrators.
Katherine Tillotson says
Wow! Deliciously creative and fun.
I think you should be illustrating children’s books too!
Colby Sharp says
This is the greatest blog post that I have ever read. Well done, Mr. Jonker.
Travis Jonker says
Thanks, man – I had a good time.
Carter Higgins says
Yeah, I’d buy every single one of those pieces of art if I could. Love!
maryanne @ mama smiles says
Brilliant interview! Press Here is my all-time favorite children’s book!