Morning Notes: 1mm X 2mm Edition
…but that’s what happens in the recent Rocco Staino SLJ interview with author Paula Fox, who happens to be the grandmother of one Courtney Love. An excellent Q and A all around. Click here to read.
(Thanks to Read Roger for the link)
How did I happen upon this Hungarian dude’s website devoted to his miniature book collection? Not a clue. Is it awesome? If you dig checking out books that measure 1 millimeter by 2 millimeters (see below), then yes. Click here to read.
The post that launched 1000 other posts. Seth Godin’s take on the future of libraries prompted a response from just about every librarian blog out there. Some in support, others not as much. My take? The man makes some interesting points about how libraries (and librarians) transition from print to digital, but this is just one view. Click the image above to read.
School librarians take note! A little data supporting libraries and learning never hurt, right? @ALALibrary points the way to a study worth sharing. Click the tweet above to read.
Double feature today…
Are children’s books just vehicles for socialist propaganda? As this awesome video from a BYU sketch comedy group shows, the answer is yes. Be sure to stick around for the little-known commie Babar titles.
I am shocked – SHOCKED – that Andy Rooney isn’t a fan of eBooks. I cannot express how shocked I am. Man, I’m going have to find a chair…(via Bookshelves of Lesser Doom)
Filed under: Morning Notes, News
About Travis Jonker
Travis Jonker is an elementary school librarian in Michigan. He writes reviews (and the occasional article or two) for School Library Journal and is a member of the 2014 Caldecott committee. You can email Travis at, or follow him on Twitter: @100scopenotes.
SLJ Blog Network
Sydney Taylor Book Award Tour: A Talk with Sammy Savos About The Girl Who Sang
Red Flower | This Week’s Comics
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Empowering Library Users with Passive Readers’ Advisory, a guest post by Monisha Blair
Oh, I love Andy Rooney. One of my favorite Rooney quotes is, “Don’t make fun of me for being old! I didn’t plan to do it. It just happened to me. (significant pause) And if you’re LUCKY, it will happen to YOU too!”