Morning Notes: John Newbery, Ladies’ Man Edition
Sure, it made every best of the year list you can name (including our Top 20), but One Crazy Summer is due for some legitimate hardware. It came yesterday in the form of the prestigious Scott O’Dell Award, handed out to the best historical fiction of the year. Alright! Click here to read all about it.
(Thanks to Read Roger for the link)
Finalists for the Cybils Awards have been announced and there is a boatload of great titles. Especially interesting to me was the Middle Grade Novels category, which is as notable for the books it didn’t pick as the ones it did. I was a member of the Fiction Picture Book committee, so be sure to check out that list. Click here to see every category.
I encourage you to turn your attention to A Fuse #8 Production’s Golden Fuse Awards. More unique and interesting bits of 2010 children’s lit that a stick can be shaken at. Click here to read.
Have we added love of data to the cannon of librarian stereotypes yet? If not, I feel like we should because every librarian I know would enjoy this bit of literary number-crunching. The blog Shelftalker takes a look at gender as it applies to Newbery, Caldecott, and Printz-winning authors. Click here to read.
(Thanks to @HUnderdown for the link)
Not exactly children’s lit-related, but still in the literary realm. Each year LSSU (that’s Lake Superior State University for the Michigan-challenged out there) puts out a list of words that should, due to complete overuse/being terrible, should never be spoken again. The results are always fun to read. Click here to do just that.
Blogging folks take note – the 2011 comment challenge is about to get under way. Act accordingly.
(Thanks to MotherReader for the link)
Even newspapers are getting into the Caldecott/Newbery predicting game. Click the image above to read The Seattle Times’ picks.
(Thanks to Earlyword for the link)
I get an unusually large amount of enjoyment out of watching President Obama read his recently-released picture book Of Thee I Sing to a group of kids. I think it’s the fact that I can critique his read-aloud skills. We have two versions of this one, short and uncut:
And the more entertaining (although worse quality) long version:
Filed under: Morning Notes, News
About Travis Jonker
Travis Jonker is an elementary school librarian in Michigan. He writes reviews (and the occasional article or two) for School Library Journal and is a member of the 2014 Caldecott committee. You can email Travis at, or follow him on Twitter: @100scopenotes.
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Oh no! “Epic” is OUT? I LOVE that word! *sigh* Thanks for the heads up on the comments challenge. I’m going to give it a go this year. 🙂 e
Thanks for the heads up on the comments challenge – I’ve fallen behind on my blog reading and started with yours. The look at gender in awards was interesting as well… think I’ll be sharing that with my children’s literature collegues.
“John Newbery, Ladies’ Man” cracked me up. But that is a really interesting article.
Also, as a new blogger, I’m really glad for the comment challenge. It’s giving me the extra push I need to get involved in the blogging community. And it brought me to your blog. 🙂