Attention Lovers of Picture Books
Are you opinionated about your picture books? Do you find yourself thinking “I know the best picture book that has been slept on for far too long and I’m dying to do something about it”? Now is your chance, friends. The outstanding children’s lit blog A Fuse #8 Production is undertaking a project for the ages: Top 100 Picture Books. Click here, or click on the image below to read the rules and start mulling over your picks.
(Top Image: ‘Tome Reader’
Filed under: News
About Travis Jonker
Travis Jonker is an elementary school librarian in Michigan. He writes reviews (and the occasional article or two) for School Library Journal and is a member of the 2014 Caldecott committee. You can email Travis at, or follow him on Twitter: @100scopenotes.
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Fuse #8 says
Whoop! Thanks for the shout out. Come ye all that have opinions. Lay your picture books lovings at my feet and let me calculate them.
Elizabeth says
Wow, that picture rocks my world.
I am frightened by the prospect of having to winnow down my picture book picks. Although, number 1? The Streets Are Free, by Karusa.
katowice says
idealne najlepsze t?umacz angielskiego w katowicach najlepsze
t?umacz angielskiego says
Sejm ?l?ski, zbudowany w latach 1925-1929. Przez bardzo d?ugi czas by?a to najwi?ksza struktura tego typu w Polsce. Ze wzgl?du na du?? odleg?o?? do lotniska, jest propozycja, aby przekszta?ci? znacznie bli?ej usytuowane lotnictwo sportowe Lotnisko Katowice-Muchowiec do mniejszego lotniska miejskiego, obs?uguj?cego ruch biznesowy.