Book Review: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
One situation in the original “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” really hit home with me. It’s when our hero Greg, ready to pull the prank of a lifetime on his substitute teacher, comes to school and finds out that the sub is his mom. That’s cold. Coming from a family of teachers, I’ve actually had my mom as my sub – I can feel Greg’s pain. It’s those sorts of events that really endeared to the book to me, and I was shoulder-dancing like crazy when I found out there would be a sequel.
It turns out that my shoulder-dancing was warranted. “Rodrick Rules” follows the blueprint of its predecessor, while delivering more humor and insight into the characters. The story follows Greg Heffley through summer vacation and into another school year. Greg’s brother, the titular Rodrick, is just barely hanging on in high school and would rather be rocking out with his band Loded Diper. All the while Greg’s mom and dad try their earnest best to encourage their sons down the straight and sensible path.
Probably the first thing everyone wants to know is if “Rodrick Rules” is as funny as the original. This is a hard thing to judge. All I know is, I was laughing out loud on multiple occasions. When Greg’s mom introduces a new rewards plan to get her sons to help out around the house, I was bleary-eyed (I’m cracking a smile even as I write this). When Greg explains what happened to Rodrick’s sophomore class picture, I was rolling. I would say more, but I don’t want to give anything away. This is a story that people want to read and love.
Can I speak for just a moment about the popularity of these books? Now is a good time to humor me and pretend you don’t already know. I help out with four elementary school book fairs per year, and “Wimpy Kid” has been selling like elephant ears at all of ’em. If you’re from other parts of the country where they don’t have elephant ears, just know that they are delicious and are purchased frequently.
“Rodrick Rules” will not disappoint fans of “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”. In fact, it will probably bring a lot more readers on board. They’ll be curious about why you’re laughing so much.
Also Reviewed By: A Fuse #8 Production, Shelftalker
Find this book at your local library with WorldCat
Filed under: *Best New Books*, Reviews
About Travis Jonker
Travis Jonker is an elementary school librarian in Michigan. He writes reviews (and the occasional article or two) for School Library Journal and is a member of the 2014 Caldecott committee. You can email Travis at, or follow him on Twitter: @100scopenotes.
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did you like riteing the books? I like the books. I’m doing a book rport on rodrick rules it’s due on wedsday . could you give me an idea? I read the book but I need to tell who the auther is and tell about it.
jeff kinney
Is this book suitable for children in 2nd grade (7 years old)?
I’m not trying to avoid the question, but it depends on the child. The main character in Diary of a Wimpy Kid is in middle school, so the humor and relationships reflect that age. I do think the age group who reads this book tends to skew a bit young. If the child is socially advanced for his/her age, then the subject matter will be suitable. If not, much of the book will fly over their head.
I am doing a book review on this book and some of the stuff you used has really helped thanx xxoo