Heavy Medal
October 1, 2015 by Travis Jonker
The Tea Party in the Woods By Akiko Miyakoshi Kids Can Press ISBN: 9781771381079 $16.95 Grades PreK-1 Out Now *Best New Book* Find it at: Schuler Books | Your Library Everything is not as it seems. That premise has been the starting point for some of the most enduring stories in children’s literature. Alice’s Adventures […]
May 13, 2013 by Travis Jonker
I recently got in touch with Kids Can Press associate publisher Semareh Al-Hillal to talk about their 2013 wares. Travis: Hello, Semareh – how are things in Toronto? Semareh Al-Hillal: Well hello, Travis! It’s sunny and warm here – in other words, perfect. Okay, first question. I’ve always wondered this. As a Canadian publisher, do […]
January 17, 2012 by Travis Jonker
2012 may go down as the year of the picture book sequel. Aside from the Mo Willems offering I mention below, expect sequels to The Dunderheads, I Must Have Bobo, LMNO Peas, Say Hello to Zorro, Oh No!, Dinotrux, A Pet for Petunia and a whole bunch more. Borrowing heavily (see: stealing) from A Fuse […]
September 1, 2011 by Travis Jonker
My Name Is Elizabeth By Annika Dunklee Illustrated by Matthew Forsythe Kids Can Press ISBN: 9781554535606 $14.95 Grades PreK-2 In Stores *Best New Book* We just refuse to leave names alone, don’t we? There must be some gene that compels us to take every perfectly good name and shorten it, twist it, and (in some […]
August 26, 2011 by Travis Jonker
Hocus Pocus By Sylvie Desrosiers Illustrated by Rémy Simard Kids Can Press ISBN: 9781554535774 $16.95 Grades K-2 In Stores The wordless picture book spectrum is wide, and in places, impressively deep. You have your experimental (Zoom), cinematic (Chalk, Flotsam), magical (The Red Book, The Snowman), funny (Where’s Walrus), and pretty much every point in between. […]
February 8, 2011 by Travis Jonker
Hang-wringing complete. It’s time for the quarterly look at upcoming releases I’m calling 10 to Note. What follows are the 10 titles set to hit shelves in March, April, and May that had me most saying “Yeah, boiiiii!” (or something along those lines). Not a guarantee of quality, but a subjective list of books that […]
November 22, 2010 by Travis Jonker
Case Closed? Nine Mysteries Unlocked by Modern Science By Susan Hughes Illustrated by Michael Wandelmaier Kids Can Press ISBN: 9781554533626 $17.95 Grades 5-8 In Stores The nonfiction landscape is littered with books on unexplained phenomena. The Bermuda Triangle, the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot – these sorts of real-life mysteries contain endless appeal for readers. […]
September 10, 2010 by Travis Jonker
Spork By Kyo Maclear Illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault Kids Can Press ISBN: 9781553377368 $16.95 Grades K-2 In Stores *Best New Books* (Click to enlarge panels) Review copy from publisher. Find this book at your local library with WorldCat.
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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