Teen Librarian Toolbox
December 16, 2014 by Travis Jonker
Around this time of the year, John Schumacher and I get all reflective. While it would be cool if we shined brightly when you pointed a flashlight at us, I don’t mean that kind of reflective. I mean we looked back on the year in children’s literature. We reflected with a purpose: over the next […]
October 6, 2014 by Travis Jonker
Tales of Bunjitsu Bunny By John Himmelman Henry Holt (Macmillan) ISBN: 9780805099706 $13.99 Grades 1-4 Out October 28, 2014 Find it at: Schuler Books | Your Library In a children’s literature landscape where “lesson” has become a bad word, books that overtly seek to impart wisdom have become more the exception than the rule. Mention […]
June 3, 2014 by Travis Jonker
The Miniature World of Marvin and James (The Masterpiece Adventures, Book One) By Elise Broach Illustrated by Kelly Murphy Henry Holt (Macmillan) ISBN: 9780805091908 $15.99 Grades 1-3 Out Now Find it at: Schuler Books | Your Library Look out – sports reference. My two favorites are soccer and basketball. One time, a friend who played […]
April 29, 2013 by Travis Jonker
Bowling Alley Bandit (The Adventures of Arnie the Doughnut) By Laurie Keller Henry Holt ISBN: 9780805090765 $12.99 Grades 2-4 In Stores June 4, 2013 *Best New Book* Find it at: Schuler Books | Your Library Oh, the hazards of bringing a picture book character to the chapter book format. For every success, there are a […]
January 17, 2012 by Travis Jonker
2012 may go down as the year of the picture book sequel. Aside from the Mo Willems offering I mention below, expect sequels to The Dunderheads, I Must Have Bobo, LMNO Peas, Say Hello to Zorro, Oh No!, Dinotrux, A Pet for Petunia and a whole bunch more. Borrowing heavily (see: stealing) from A Fuse […]
December 15, 2011 by Travis Jonker
Fellow school librarian John Schumacher and I are counting down our top 20 books of 2011. Head on over to Watch. Connect. Read. for additional resources for each book. #20-16 | #15-11 | #10-6 | #5-1 5. Ice by Arthur Geisert [Enchanted Lion | Grades K-3] Click here for additional resources from Watch. Connect. […]
November 22, 2011 by Travis Jonker
Interested in learning about some of the most intriguing children’s books coming out this winter but would like to keep the amount of titles to a number easily divisible by 5 and 2? This, friend, is the post for you. What follows are 10 books that had me pretending to stroke my whiskers, raise one […]
June 21, 2011 by Travis Jonker
Melvin and the Boy By Lauren Castillo Henry Holt (Macmillan) ISBN: 9780805089295 $16.99 Grades PreK-2 In Stores July 5, 2011 *Best New Book* For many children, a first pet brings with it some of the earliest exposure to responsibility. While kids have minor obligations from an early age, the idea of caring for something that […]
May 10, 2011 by Travis Jonker
With all the summer catalogs properly pored over, now is the time for the quarterly season preview I call 10 to Note. The following is a highly subjective list of books set to arrive in June, July, and August that are intriguing to my eyes and ears. Fiction Missing on Superstition Mountain by Elise Broach; […]
March 28, 2011 by Travis Jonker
Celebritrees: Historic and Famous Tree of the World By Margi Preus Illustrated by Rebecca Gibbon Henry Holt (Macmillan) ISBN: 9780805078299 $16.99 Grades 2-4 In Stores Not to get all “hippie” on you, but do you ever think about trees? Here are these massive plants, unmatched by anything on earth, and we walk around barely paying […]
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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