A Fuse #8 Production
August 23, 2018 by Travis Jonker
Why the Face? by Jean Jullien Phaidon ISBN: 9780714877198 $14.95 Ages 0-4 Out Now Find it at: Schuler Books | Your Library *Best New Book* Board books don’t lend themselves to reviews, do they? Most fall into two camps: either simplistic to the point of abstraction (this isn’t a knock – just stating facts) or a […]
March 3, 2011 by Travis Jonker
Look Who’s There! What Do You See? By Martine Perrin Albert Whitman & Company ISBN: 9780807576762; 9780807567128 $8.99 Ages 0-3 In Stores I don’t tend to notice board books all that much. This time, I noticed. Originally published in France, Martine Perrin’s Look Who’s There! and What Do You See? have a look and interactive […]
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Amanda MacGregor
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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