Nominations Are Open for the 2021 Undies Case Cover Awards!

Earlier this week, I came across a great old picture book case cover:

It’s a kid hiding under a table. It’s from A Little House of Your Own by Beatrice Schenk De Regniers, illustrated by Irene Hass, published in 1954. It’s perfect.
Here’s another image from the book, to better understand the beauty of this case cover image:

This whole incident got me thinking, “Hey, The Undies Case Cover Awards was fun last year, are we going to do that again?”
Oh yes. The Undies are back for 2021. Carter Higgins and I are getting together to highlight the best case covers of the year.
What is a case cover? This is a case cover:
And we want to award the cream of the crop.
Here’s how The Undies will work:
Now through November 1st, 2021 we are accepting nominations* for the best case covers of books publishing in 2021.
In November, Carter and I will announce shortlists in a variety of categories and then we’ll open up the polls. The winner will be decided by popular vote (see also: you). We’ll announce the winners shortly thereafter.
*To nominate a case cover for the 2021 Undies:
- Check out the case cover gallery we have going at Carter Higgins’s website – if the case cover you want to nominate is already there, no need to nominate it again.
- Make sure your nomination was published in 2021.
- If the case cover you want to nominate is NOT in the gallery and WAS published in 2021, take a picture and send it to Carter at hello (at) carterhiggins (dot) com. Put THE UNDIES in the subject line.
Anyone (including publishers) can nominate.
It’s time to recognize this unsung part of the book – what do you say?

Filed under: Articles
About Travis Jonker
Travis Jonker is an elementary school librarian in Michigan. He writes reviews (and the occasional article or two) for School Library Journal and is a member of the 2014 Caldecott committee. You can email Travis at, or follow him on Twitter: @100scopenotes.
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