Exclusive Cover Reveal: Princess Cora and the Crocodile by Laura Amy Schlitz and Brian Floca
How To Make a Book I Am Looking Forward to Reading (In 5 Steps):
Step 1: Take the author of Newbery Medal winning book Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!
Step 2: Take the author/illustrator of Caldecott Medal winning book Locomotive.
Step 3: Combine talents.
Step 4: Wait until March 28th, 2017 (sorry, these things take time).
Step 5: Enjoy Princess Cora and the Crocodile (an 80 page storybook for ages 4-8 (and everyone else)).
Here’s the synopsis from the publisher:
The comical story traces the plight of poor Princess Cora, who is sick of boring lessons. She’s sick of running in circles around the dungeon gym. She’s sick, sick, sick of taking three baths a day. And her parents won’t let her have a dog. But when she writes to her fairy godmother for help, she doesn’t expect that help to come in the form of a crocodile — a crocodile who does not behave properly.
Let’s have a first look at the cover, shall we?
(Click to enlarge)
I asked Laura Amy Schlitz and Brian Floca to share how the book came about – here’s what they had to say:
Laura Amy Schlitz: My book is called Princess Cora and the Crocodile, but the real story is not just about Princess Cora and the crocodile, but about a crocodile, Princess Cora, and her parents. It surprises me that there are so few picture books about the conflicts between parents and children. That’s odd, when you think about it, because this is where children live: with their parents, in a love-haunted combat zone. I’m not talking about abusive parents, or delinquent children; I’m talking about parents who are trying desperately to be good parents, and children who are trying hopelessly to be good children.
Everyone means well, but the household rings with battle cries: “Why can’t we have a parakeet?” “Just let me play for five more minutes!” “Why do I have to put on a sweater when I’m not cold?” “How come we never have pumpkin pie because you hate it, but I have to eat broccoli?” I remember watching one of my friends with her seven-year-old daughter. There was a spirited, not to say vehement, battle about whether the child could ride her bicycle a little before dusk. After the child left the house in triumph, my friend said thoughtfully, “We fight all the time. She’s getting older. I have to let her win some.” Her words stayed with me, because they showed such compassion for the child’s predicament. Children want to please their parents, but perpetual submission doesn’t allow them to grow into themselves.
In Princess Cora’s case, the grown-ups are not as wise as my friend was. It’s up to the crocodile to cut the Gordian knot.
Brian Floca: The manuscript for Princess Cora and the Crocodile arrived at a moment when—true confession—I wasn’t sure I was interested in illustrating someone else’s story. But the manuscript was from Candlewick, and the story was from Laura Amy Schlitz, and so I began to read. Very quickly I pivoted from feeling like a reluctant reader to feeling like a lucky illustrator. Poor Cora! A good kid, maybe too good for her own good. I liked her and I worried about her. And the King, Queen, and Nanny, all well-meaning, but none of them able to see how they were stifling the girl they cared about, all of them too worried about getting things wrong to get things right. Laura’s voice was comic, but her characters were real. I cared about them all and I wanted to keep reading—even before the crocodile arrived. From his first line, the crocodile had his teeth in me. That put me in good company; he eventually got his teeth in most of the book’s characters, too. I sat down to sketch him and he seemed to leap, grinning, onto the page—part kid, part id, all reptile. I loved him, even if I wouldn’t want to leave him alone with anything breakable.
What I admire most of all in Princess Cora and the Crocodile, though, is how Laura resolves her story, which is also to say how Cora resolves her story. It’s not by giving in to grudge work, and it’s also not with easy (and empty) clichés about cutting loose from responsibility. In the end, Cora doesn’t simply submit, and she doesn’t simply mutiny. She learns to do something harder and better: to negotiate a place between what the world needs of her and what she needs of it. How do you get an idea as important as that into a book as gleeful as this?
Thanks Laura and Brian! And thank you Tracy Miracle at Candlewick press. Princess Cora and the Crocodile arrives on March 28th, 2017.
Filed under: Cover Reveal, Covers, News
About Travis Jonker
Travis Jonker is an elementary school librarian in Michigan. He writes reviews (and the occasional article or two) for School Library Journal and is a member of the 2014 Caldecott committee. You can email Travis at scopenotes@gmail.com, or follow him on Twitter: @100scopenotes.
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Okay Travis. Awesome interviews and a great book cover!! So exciting!! But now I have to wait till March??!!!
Being a huge “Floca Fan”, I’ve bought and admired everything he’s done. Eagerly awaiting “Cora”!!!
Thanks for sharing this exciting news. Since The Hired Girl is my favorite book, I’ll look forward to March 28th. What a combination of author/illustrator talent and the story you describe sounds quite intriguing!