Morning Notes: Kumbaya Revisited Edition
I attended NerdCampMI last year and left singing. It was my first “unconference” experience and it was spectacular. So many great people attended, all in the name of literacy and sharing ideas. Colby Sharp just announced that registration is open for the 2014 edition of NerdCampMI, and I wholeheartedly recommend you sign up. Click here to get going.
The Detroit News says so, and that sounds good to me. The article features some indies from around our fair mitten state, including my hometown shop McLean & Eakin. Click here to feel pretty good about physical bookstores.
I answered a couple questions (and drew a couple of pictures) over at the Callding Caldecott blog. Click here to check it out.
For those of us who know the popularity of Guinness World Records books firsthand, this post at Awful Library Books won’t be shocking. But it is funny. Click here to read.
Comics Squad: Recess! On shelves July 8, 2014
When it comes to upcoming releases, I usually try to maintain composure. But this time? Yeeeaaahh Boooiiii! Yeah! Throw ya hands in the air! Wave ’em like you just don’t care! Everybody say ho! (note: whenever I celebrate I turn into an 80s-era MC). Eight short stories from eight people who know how to make comics for kids. Living legends of the genre, really. Pre-order accordingly.
Over my holiday hiatus the best interview ever happened. Asking the questions? The Bill Clinton of Children’s Literature. Answering? Author-illustrator Annette Simon. The kicker? She answered every question with book spine poetry. Well done all around. Click the image below to check it out.
What to read when stuck inside due to cold temps? Our new National Ambassador of Young People’s Literature has you covered. Kate DiCamillo is already on the Ambassadorial trail, giving book recs and reading advice on PBS Newshour.
Filed under: Morning Notes, News
About Travis Jonker
Travis Jonker is an elementary school librarian in Michigan. He writes reviews (and the occasional article or two) for School Library Journal and is a member of the 2014 Caldecott committee. You can email Travis at, or follow him on Twitter: @100scopenotes.
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