Link Du Jour: A Quintet of Blogs to Watch
In the past few weeks I’ve started following some new blogs, some of which might be of interest to you…
e is for book
Have I mentioned that 2011 is the year ebooks explode? It’s time to start figuring these things out (so says the reluctant librarian). The group blog e is for book should prove pretty helpful in this pursuit, with a bevy of authors talking about the transition to the brave new eworld.
Sample Post: It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel…?
The Scop
Author blogs can be a dicey proposition. The best of them go beyond self-promotion and interact with the children’s lit world as a whole. Jonathan Auxier, author of the forthcoming Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes takes this wide-angle view, highlighting interesting topics and sharing personal knowledge. Plus, there’s funny drawings.
Sample Post: Huckleberry Finn and Literary Alteration
Klickitat is the brainchild of librarian Julie Judkins, and even though she’s just 9 posts in, I’m digging what I see – a nice mix of reviews, link round-ups, and discussion starters. It also don’t hurt one bit that Judkins is a fellow Michigander.
Sample Post: Should Authors Rate Their Own Books in Social Media?
Reads for Keeps
Started by a pair of children’s lit hobbyists, Reads for Keeps has all the reviews, book lists, and rambling editorials you could hope for. Bonus points for a cool header as well.
Sample Post: Top 5 Most Depressing Children’s Books
AASL Advocacy Tip of the Day
This one’s on the list for all the school librarians out there, but it may have some solid public library use as well. AASL Advocacy Tip of the Day is as straightforward as a blog can be – one post per day about how to generate support and spread good news about your school library. Brief, to the point, and useful.
Sample Post: Advocacy Tip #54
Filed under: Link Du Jour
About Travis Jonker
Travis Jonker is an elementary school librarian in Michigan. He writes reviews (and the occasional article or two) for School Library Journal and is a member of the 2014 Caldecott committee. You can email Travis at, or follow him on Twitter: @100scopenotes.
SLJ Blog Network
Lane Smith Cover Reveal: Recess!
Morgana & Oz, Vol. 1 | Review
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Take Five: February 2025 Middle Grade Graphic Novels
Thanks for the kind mention, Travis! Talking with you last month about how to approach an author blog was really helpful. And thanks for the links to other cool blogs … always nice to have a few more things to bookmark!
Thanks for the kind words!
Hitty is a book that I personally liked, but it’s a hard sell. I like the new cover, but it doesn’t really indicate the content the way the original does. Hitty doesn’t look like that! Still, more students would be apt to pick up something a little fresher.
Thanks for mentioning us, and for the great tips on new blogs to follow!
Thank you so much for mentioning e is for book. Many people have found us thanks to you!